Strategy Settings
The strategy settings allow users to customize how the bot behaves, and how it selects tokens and liquidity pools.
Position Settings
Size (%): The portion of total SOL to be used in the strategy
Duration (minutes): The max allowed duration for a position
Stop Loss (%): Close position if losses exceed Stop Loss
Take Profit (%): Close position if profits exceed Take Profit
Price Range (%): How wide the price range will be. For example, at 50%, position will be in range after a 50% price drop (Higher is safer)
Price Shape: Bid-ask is almost always safer and recommended for most users. It allocates liquidity denser towards the edge of the range, which makes the strategy more tolerant to sudden price swings.
General Token Filters
Age (minutes): Min age of the token
Marketcap ($): Min marketcap of the token
liquidity ($): Min liquidity available for the token
Token Volume Filters
1 Hour ($): Min volume in past 1 hour
6 Hour ($): Min volume in past 6 hours
24 Hour ($): Min volume in past 24 hours
Token Price Change Filters
5 Minutes (%): Max token price drop in past 5 minutes
1 Hour (%): Max token price drop in past 1 hour
6 Hour (%): Max token price drop in past 6 hours
Pool Filters
Base Fee (%): Base trading fee in the Meteora DLMM pool
Volume ($): Min volume over the past 24 hours in the DLMM pool
Fee/TVL (%): 24 hour volume / TVL ratio. A measure of volatility, which is usually desirable for liquidity providers.
Locked Liquidity ($): The amount of locked liquidity, which cannot be removed
Creator Buy-in (SOL): How much SOL the creator spent when sniping their token at mint. More than 2 SOL may indicate dodgy behavior.